The Global Pilot Program on STI for SDGs Roadmaps launched in 2019, is being coordinated by the UN
Interagency Task Team (UN-IATT) . The Program has been launched with five pilot countries, viz.
Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Serbia, and India. The European Union and Japan have also joined this initiative
to support the pilot countries in their SDGs Roadmapping exercise. The other partners in this initiative
include the UN-IATT members: UN-DESA, UNIDO, UNESCO, World Bank etc. Other countries and
institutions have expressed interest to join this global initiative. The Global Pilot Program for STI for
SDGs Roadmaps is expected to evolve into a very useful tool to strengthen national efforts on STI for
SDGs mapping. And also, promote international cooperation on knowledge, technology transfer,
capacity, networks, and finance for operationalization of the TFM.