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Mega Science Vision - 2035 (MSV-2035)

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Mega Science Projects (MSPs)

The Government of India (GOI) has been supporting setting up of national, as well as participation in international, Mega Science Projects for some time now. These projects appeal to the scientific curiosity of researchers in search of answers to some of the important questions facing the world of science and are of interest to a large scientific community from within the country and outside. The Mega Science Projects are very large in terms of outlays and the complexity involved, making it necessary for a user group, institution or even individual countries to join hands with other similarly interested partners. Implementation of such projects involves multi-institutional teams, including possible international collaboration.

The Mega Science Vision Exercise

India’s plans for setting up national, as well as participating in international, Mega Science Projects have always been made after careful nation-wide consultations. These consultations have come to be known as Mega Science Vision (MSV) Exercises. The last such Mega Science Vision Exercise was undertaken in 2014.

The latest Mega Science Vision-2035 (MSV-2035) Exercise has been undertaken by the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the GOI in six areas: High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Accelerator Science & Technology and Applications, Climate Research, and Ecology & Environmental Science. The Year 2035 has been chosen keeping in view the timelines of similar exercises undertaken elsewhere in the world and the expected timeframe for establishment and utilization of various national and international facilities at the present time. The MSV-2035 Exercise will result in Roadmap Documents in the six areas after widespread national stakeholder consultations.

The following Mega Science Vision Reports are now complete:

  1. Read The Mega Science Vision -2035 Nuclear Physics Report
  2. Read The Mega Science Vision -2035 Astronomy & Astrophysics Report
  3. Read The Mega Science Vision-2035 Accelerator S&T and Applications

News And Highlights


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