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Science & Technology Clusters


What are the S&T Clusters?

The Science & Technology (S&T) Clusters are being established as formal umbrella structures for S&T organizations in various cities to have better synergy while retaining their autonomy. 

These are supported by the O/o PSA on the recommendation of the Prime Minister’s Science, Technology and Innovation Advisory Council (PM-STIAC) to create an Atmanirbhar Bharat through S&T. 

These clusters will create strong linkages between existing academic institutions, national & state research laboratories, and other stakeholders like relevant ministries, industry partners, start-ups, MSMEs, state governments, philanthropic foundations, and international organizations.

Publications and reports

Science and Technology Clusters Annual Report

Science & Technology Clusters- One Year on the Ground

Report of the High-Level Committee on Developing Science & Technology Clusters in India (April 2020)

Pune S&T Cluster – Impact Report

Objectives of the S&T Clusters

The S&T Clusters will achieve three objectives through collaborative applied R&D projects for impact, bringing together multiple science providers (academic organizations, R&D labs, etc.) to provide solutions for end-users (industry, govt., etc.).




1) CREATION OF A SHARED ECOSYSTEM: The bottom of the pyramid is where each cluster should enable the creation of a shared ecosystem, i.e., a group of 15-20 institutions starts working together as one large institution through a formal umbrella structure so that these institutions can have better synergy, while also retaining their internal autonomy.

A shared ecosystem will entail: - 

  • Sharing of high-end labs and equipment through the I-STEM® portal.
  • allowing mobility of researchers through sharing of credit courses for students across different institutions (which is also mentioned in the recently launched National Education Policy), and also allowing the exchange of researchers between industry and public R&D labs.

  • conducting high-quality Human Resource development programs in partnership with the industry experts.

2) BECOMING A REGIONAL SOLUTION PROVIDER: The middle of the pyramid focuses on clusters becoming solution providers to local bodies, State Govt, and industries and creating a regional influence by solving local problems. For this, they may partner with local incubators, also connect with state Science & Technology councils and innovation societies. Such problem solving will enable them to wield regional influence through high-quality research, development, and innovation.

3)BECOMING NATIONALLY AND GLOBALLY COMPETITIVE: The top of the pyramid is where each cluster will focus on 1-2 domains of key strength and build strong capability to become a national and global leader in these, based on their existing strengths and competitiveness. They must contribute to the national missions of the Government of India and should participate substantially in global mega-science projects and thereby become nationally and globally competitive.

S&T Clusters In India

 Northern Region Icon
Northern Region
Visakhapatnam Icon

S&T Cluster News

S&T Cluster newsletter
Bengaluru S&T Cluster News
Bengaluru S&T Cluster News
Bhubaneswar S&T Cluster News
Bhubaneswar S&T Cluster News

Additional Information

S & T Cluster activities

Cluster Branding & Communication Guidelines


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