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Dr. Sindura Ganapathi

Visiting PSA Fellow

  • Ph.D. in Pharmacology and MBA from Penn University; Master’s in Veterinary Pharmacology from Indian Veterinary Research Institute
  • Worked as a biomedical researcher at the National Institute of Health where his research focused on ion channel physiology and inositol phosphate biology
  • Previously held different roles as Deputy Director, Chief of Staff to the President of Global Health Division, and Program Officer at the Gates foundation
  • Worked in the areas of ‘One Health’ topic that brings together animal and human health sectors to address priority issues, including launching ‘Grand Challenges’ call to source innovations
  • Focused on the R&D areas to address issues such as preterm birth, preeclampsia, and malnutrition
  • Funded innovations to address childhood neurodevelopment and creation of some of pioneering AI/ML-based portfolios to address the issue of automated ultrasound for low skilled healthcare workers to manage pregnancy, labor monitoring in pregnant women by creating public-private partnerships including with companies such as Google
  • Currently working with the Ministry of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries to create a national digital architecture for the livestock sector

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