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Inviting Proposals for Green Technology Intervention towards Sustainability by Technology Development Board, Department of Science and Technology, GOI

The Office of Principal Scientific Adviser is facilitating the call for Proposals by Technology Development Board, Department of Science and Technology for Green Technology Intervention towards Sustainability. The Technology Development Board provides financial assistance to Indian industrial concerns and other agencies, attempting the development and commercial application of indigenous technology, or adapting imported technology to wider domestic applications. 

The objectives are to:

1.    Promote new ideas from small enterprises even at the risk of failure
2.    Encourage the production of competitive consumer products
3.    Motivate industries and R&D institutions for product innovation
4.    Develop socially relevant and profitable technologies
5.    Identify and act in areas requiring strategic interventions
6.    Invest in core technological strengths to enable Indian industry to stand up to the competitive pressure and become a global player.


Only Private limited companies are eligible to apply for TDB funding (Startups and MSMEs can apply).


The last date to apply is November 3, 2022.

To know more details and apply, Visit here


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