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Call for Submission for FIRST Cancer Care Program by World Economic Forum (Publication date: 29 Nov, 2021) (Results)


World Economic Forum (WEF)- Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution India (C4IR) run a FIRST Cancer Care Program under which they have identified cancer specific major challenges. They are working towards finding technology interventions to solve these major challenges and execute pilots for the identified interventions. The challenges include late diagnosis, few centres for treatment and diagnosis, financing the expensive care, prevention and early detection, skill development of health personnel. They are looking for interventions in 3 categories : 

1.    Citizen/Patient Centric Interventions
2.    Provider Centric Interventions
3.    Systems Enablement Centric Interventions

For more details

Those who are interested please submit 1 or 2 pager note about the kind of interventions that you will be able to offer. All the submissions can be sent to by Oct 6th, 2021.


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