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Call for proposal to set-up Centre of Excellence focusing on Geospatial intelligence by HERE Technologies (Publication date: 6 Dec, 2021) (Results)


HERE Technologies are looking for institutes that would be interested to set-up a Center of Excellence focusing on Geospatial intelligence. Here technologies has been working actively for enabling a digital representation of reality, improving the utilization of assets and lowering environmental footprint. They have envisioned the Geospatial CoE to play the following roles:

•   Discover a new direction for navigation and connected              services
•   Manage & optimize the last mile of deliveries
•   Optimize mobility operations and create an undisrupted travel experience by connecting all modes of transport
•   Build cloud-based navigation solutions with unrivalled location technology
•   Make automated driving systems safer and more comfortable with location data
•   Measure crowd density at POIs or any area in general that the user searches for with the help of a heat map layer
•   Make cost-effective 5G planning decisions confidently with submeter geometric and geospatial precision coverage
•   Supporting EV ecosystem in India

To know more about the project requirements and expected outcomes, CLICK HERE 

Those who are working in this space and are interested to set up a CoE for Geospatial intelligence may apply to this call by emailing your proposals to Please make sure to send your submissions by Dec 23rd, 2021.

For the template for proposal, CLICK HERE


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