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Call for Proposal for Community of Practice for Merck for Mothers’ Strengthening Systems for Safer Childbirth

Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the GoI facilitating Merck for Mothers (MfM)’s call for proposal for funding under the Strengthening Systems for Safer Childbirth initiative. MfM’s new initiative Strengthening Systems for Safer Childbirth will fund 6 local coalitions in India, Kenya, Nigeria, and Sierra Leona, to implement innovative solutions to sustainably improve access to safe, high-quality, respectful maternal health care with the ultimate goal of reducing maternal mortality.  

As part of this initiative, MfM is seeking to establish a community of practice (COP) that will link and support the 6 coalitions to share experiences, problem-solve collectively, deliver intended results, demonstrate impact, achieve sustainability, and amplify their learnings. 

MfM is requesting proposals from qualified organizations with expertise in convening multi-partner and stakeholder coalitions across diverse geographies. 

Merck for Mothers expects to award a three-year grant, of up to $350,000 USD per year, to the selected Community of Practice organization.

Click here, for application details and format for submission.

Please submit a proposal to lead a Community of Practice for Merck for Mothers’ Strengthening Systems for Safer Childbirth by June 17, 2022, 5:00 pm EST to



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