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Call for Proposal for aramco - Collaboration opportunity for Academic Institutes / R&D Centers (Publication date: 10 Feb, 2022) (Results)


aramco has expressed interest in exploring potential collaboration opportunities with Think Tanks / Academic Institutes / R&D Centres.

aramco is a global integrated energy and chemicals company. It focuses on making resources more dependable, more sustainable and more useful. This helps promote stability and long-term growth around the world. They are primarily interested to explore collaboration opportunities in following areas:

1.     Energy transition
2.    Mobility transition
3.    Materials transition

The collaboration could be on Research papers, Workshops, R&D projects, etc. For more details

If you are working in this space and are interested to collaborate, please write to us a brief one/two page Expression of Interest that should mainly cover following points:

-    Area of research (Energy transition/Mobility transition/ Material transition)
-    Institute/ lab/ research team description
-    Publication/ Patents links
-   Type of collaboration (research paper/ workshops/ R&D projects) – In case of R&D projects, you may provide the proposal with tentative timeline, budget in a single document.

Please email your submissions to by February 25, 2022


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