Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy 2020
The STIP 2020 policy was initiated jointly by the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser (Office of PSA) and the Department of Science and Technology (DST). A Secretariat with in-house policy knowledge and data support unit was set up at the Department of Science and Technology to coordinate the entire process. The policy is the culmination of new perspectives and reforms that addresses India’s science, technology and innovation. The core vision of STIP 2020 is the decentralization of policy designing by making it a bottom-up and inclusive process. It aims to realign priorities, sectoral focus and methods of research and technology development with the goals of larger socio-economic progress.
Read more about the consultation process,
‘One Nation, One Subscription’: Stakeholder Consultations held with Ministries
One of the objectives of STIP 2020 was to create a forward-looking, Open Science Framework to provide access to knowledge, information, and resources to everyone in the country on an equal partnership basis. The policy was planned to create pathways for the Government to negotiate with journal publishers for a “one nation, one subscription” policy.
A stakeholder consultation was held in August 2021 in which, a detailed plan for One Nation One Subscription was presented and endorsement was received from all concerned ministries. Subsequently, a vision document for Open Access in India, including One Nation One Subscription as a key part of the initiative, was drafted and presented to the lead ministries, i.e., Ministry of Education and the Department of Science & Technology. The vision for open access was again supported by the two ministries. Based on the vision document for Open Access, a meeting of the Committee of Secretaries is planned to be held soon to get approval for the proposed Open Access transformation in India.