Persistent Foundation supports TRAC study, a retrospective analysis for COVID-19

PSA Content Team
The Principal Scientific Adviser to the GoI, Dr K Vijay Raghavan, has constituted an S&T Core Group on COVID-19. Under the aegis of the S&T Core Group on COVID-19, a Task Force has been constituted focused on repurposing of drugs for COVID-19. The Nerve Center is located at Entrepreneurship Development Center (Venture Center), Pune. The team has gathered in-depth information on various drug candidates to allow informed decision making.

In order to design better trials and choose potential therapies effectively, there is a need to understand what kind of symptoms patients are presenting with, the kind of therapies being used by doctors for clinical management and their effects. In this context The TFORD has initiated a Retrospective Study in Pune recently to collect clinical management information for COVID-19 patients and to evaluate the efficacy and safety of currently used treatments for hospitalised COVID19 patients. This study, which aims to collect and curate clinical management information of COVID-19 patients will significantly aid in understanding which therapies could be most beneficial for the Indian population and going further aid in their testing through clinical trials. The study is being funded by Persistent Foundation. 
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