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National Seminar on FDI in R&D - Making India R&D Hub India@2047

PSA Content Desk



The O/o PSA in partnership with FICCI organised the first National Seminar on FDI in R&D - Making India R&D Hub - India@2047 on August 25, 2022.

To watch excerpts from the seminar

To watch the complete video

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) infuses long term sustainable capital in the economy and contributes towards technology transfer, development of strategic sectors, greater innovation, competition and employment creation amongst other benefits. FDI in Research and Development (R&D) will boost the latter’s role in the development of a knowledge-based economy. It has been a continuous endeavor of the Government to attract and promote R&D intensive FDI in order to supplement domestic capital, technology and skills for accelerated economic growth and development.

The Office of Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India (O/o PSA) has taken up various steps towards promotion of FDI equity inflow into R&D. The R&D Expenditure Ecosystem Report jointly prepared with the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister envisaged enhancement of FDI inflow into R&D to the tune of 300USD million by 2022 and is one of these steps.

The O/o PSA has in the past organized two round tables under the Chairmanship of PSA towards sensitization of stakeholders for enhancing FDI into R&D. The first round table was held on 26th August 2020 and the second on 24th August 2021. The results of these efforts are now visible as India has attracted USD 343.64 million FDI equity inflow in R&D sector during 2021, which is 516% higher as compared to 2020. FDI is permitted under 100% automatic route in R&D sector subject to applicable laws/regulations, security and other conditionalities.


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