For Expression of Interest (EoI) in the BARC e-waste technologies extracting rare earth metals.
E-waste is the collective waste extracted from used electronic devices and household appliances that are deemed unfit for their original future use and are separated to recover, recycle, dispose and reuse. Such wastes comprise a plethora of devices ranging from electrical to electronics for example laptops, computers, domestic appliances, etc. E-waste contains over 1000 different substances most of which are harmful and potentially hazardous to not just the environment but also the human health and well-being. The last decade has seen tremendous growth in the manufacturing and consumption of electronic and electrical equipment all over the world, because of which a combined with rapid product obsolescence, and lower costs, discarded electronic and electrical equipment or ‘E-waste’ is now the most rapidly growing waste problem in the world.
Source: (UNEP, DTIE, 2007)
Sectoral Pain Points
About AGNIi
The AGNIi Mission is a flagship initiative of the Office of the Principal Scientific Advisor (PSA) to the Government of India, under the Prime Minister’s Science, Technology and Innovation Advisory Council (PM-STIAC). The Office executes the Mission in collaboration with Invest India, the National Investment Promotion Agency. AGNIi catalyzes the commercialization of Indian emerging technologies: helping enterprise, government, and non-profits upgrade capability and competitiveness with Indian startup and R&D lab innovation. The AGNIi team has collaborated with Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) and various renowned organizations in the space of e-waste such as the Delhi, Hyderabad, and Bhubaneshwar S&T cluster (DRIIV, RICH, and BKCIC respectively), C-MET Hyderabad, CIPET Bhubaneshwar, CSIR-NEERI, CSIR-NML, TERI and many more. The objective is to take these technologies to the recyclers, PROs, and electronic goods manufacturers for potential adoption.
Technological Solutions for E-Waste Recycling
BARC Technologies
AGNIi in collaboration with BARC offers a broad spectrum of technologies for e-waste recycling ranging from Technology for Recycling of Rare Earths from Nd-Fe-B (Computer Hard Disk Drive: HDD) Magnetic Scrap to Novel separation techniques for Dysprosium(Dy) separation from Nd-Pr-Dy product obtained from magnetic scrap recycling; from Process for removal of mercury and recovery of rare earth (Y, Eu, Tb) from end-of-life Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) to Technology for the Production of Neodymium Metal employing Metallothermicreduction technique; from Lanthanum Metal Technology to Praseodymium Metal Technology and Cerium Metal Technology and so forth. All these technologies for e-waste recycling and urban mining for rare earth elements, valuable and hazardous elements have been carefully developed and evaluated by highly qualified scientists at the BARC, given their brilliance and expertise in the technology innovation arena. These are spin-off technologies as important core technical works at BARC has decades of experience in Technology Transfer and the processes are well established by Technology Transfer & Collaboration Division (TTCD). Onboarding with the office of PSA to the Government of India, these BARC technological solutions are actively being commercialized by the AGNIi Mission, facilitating its investment and promotion. Most of these technologies are at TRL 6, which is market deployable and ready for commercial adoption. Such technologies have the potential to generate higher revenues due to the high recovery rate and purity of extracted materials.
Moreover, these technologies are highly energy-efficient and cost-effective, making them commercially viable. Therefore, experts at AGNIi are diligently engaging with apex bodies like CEAMA, MAIT, and other industry associations to enhance the development of the consumer electronics and appliances industry and its components and further explore such innovations.
Strengthening Ecosystem on E-Waste Management
The Office of the PSA to the Government of India recently conducted the first to its kind technology roundtable on eco-friendly management of e-waste and circular economy framework, in July 2021. Dr. Arabinda Mitra, Scientific Secretary, Office of the PSA to the Government of India, chaired the roundtable discussions.
The overarching goal of this webinar was to develop and harness synergies in R&D efforts and create a common platform for all R&D efforts in the domain of e-waste management. This webinar intended to facilitate a collaboration mechanism, to create strong linkages between the research communities, by avoiding duplication of efforts. Multiple aspects of technology encashment with the help of AGNIi were also discussed. This session ensured that technologies developed in the country, get due attention of entrepreneurs and industry. All participants were also informed about the Development of an exclusive ‘E-Waste technologies catalog’ in the I-STEM National Web Portal, at IISc Bangalore.
A quick glimpse at the technological solutions presented at the webinar highlighted the rising concern of e-waste management along with the advent of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) waste due to the rapid evolution of the digital economy. In addition to this, there is also an alarming rise in the improper disposal of waste by the informal sector. It was emphasized that connections between the R&D labs and the start-up ecosystem must be strengthened to overcome this challenge. As a result, various organizations came forward with tangible, affordable, and scalable solutions.
Way forward
The presentations elucidated the presence of innovations to manage e-waste at the laboratory level. It seeks commercialization support for easy deployment in the market. AGNIi's mission reaches out to the recycling community for early adoption of these e-waste technologies. To begin with, AGNIi is inviting expression of interest for the BARC-developed e-waste management technologies extracting rare earth metals (Link Below).
Reach out to for further inquiry about technologies or technical/other support.
1.Atin Biswas and Siddharth Ghanshyam Singh 2020. E-waste Management in India: Challenges and Agenda, Centre for Science and Environment.
2.Sharif Mohd and Dr. Vijay Kumar 2018. E-waste Management in India: Current Practices and Challenges.
3.Dr. Neha Garg and Deepak Kumar Adhana 2020. E-Waste Management In India: A Study Of Current Scenario.
4.BARC 2021. BARC Technologies For E-Waste Recycling.
5.Office of PSA to the Govt. of India 2021. Webinar on Indigenous Technologies for Management of E-Waste.